Intro Math Reasoning & Proofs (Spring 2025)

MWF: 9:00 am - 9:50 pm, SH 201

General Information


Please be aware that any number of unforeseen circumstances can cause a schedule to become inaccurate. Thus, you should not rely on this schedule. It is your responsibility to pay attention to, and adhere to, changes announced by email, or via LMS. 

Class Handouts and References

Important note for Goodnotes users: If you're viewing my notes through this application, kindly refrain from making any notations directly on the original version. The notes will be automatically updated in sync with my edits. To avoid potential overwriting, I suggest creating a copy of the notes for your personal use. I appreciate your understanding on this matter. Thank you!

Chapter 0: Communicating Mathematics

Chapter 1: Sets

Chapter 2: Logic

Chapter 3: Direct Proof & Proof by Contrapositive

Chapter 4: More on Direct Proof & Proof by Contrapositive

Chapter 5: Existence & Proof by Contradiction

Chapter 6: Mathematical Induction

If time allowed, we will cover more:

Chapter 12: Proofs in Number Theory

Chapter 14: Proofs in Calculus

Class Feedback

Please feel free to submit your suggestions through this anonymous form whenever you'd like, as your valuable feedback will significantly help us improve the quality of our classes. 

Attendence Tracking

I've switched to a digital attendance tracking system for better accuracy! You can now keep an eye on your attendance record and see how it accumulate. There are five codes: "Present", "Explained Absence", "Unexplained Absence" (which will dock points), "Late", and "Early Leaver". While we're only counting unexplained absences against your grade, please aim to be on time and stay for the whole class. And hey, if you spot any mistakes in your record, let us know right away, preferably within a week. 

MATH 201-01 Attendence Spring 2025 MWF