Probability and Statistics (Summer 2024)
General Information
Class begins May 20, 2023, ends July 11, 2023. For more details, please check Academic Calendar
E-Textbook w/Online Assignments: Triola, M.F. (2023). MyLab Statistics for Essential of Statistics (7th edition). New York, NY: Pearson Addison-Wesley.
To access the assignments, please follow my instructions sent by email.
Other free resources:
LibreTexts: Introductory Statistics
OpenStax: Introductory Statistics 2e
Free web-based statistical analysis designed for the textbook: Statdisk Online
Some other free statistical analysis tools: Excel, Google Sheet, R, Python, JASP, etc.
Office hour (virtual) by appointment only. Please schedule your appointment through this form or by email.
Class Handouts and References
Important note for Goodnotes users: If you're viewing my notes through this application, kindly refrain from making any notations directly on the original version. The notes will be automatically updated in sync with my edits. To avoid potential overwriting, I suggest creating a copy of the notes for your personal use. I appreciate your understanding on this matter. Thank you!
Chapter 1
1.1 Statistical and Critical Thinking
Chapter 2
2.1 Frequency Distributions for Organizing and Summarizing Data
2.2 Histograms (by publisher)
Using Excel to Construct Histograms (YouTube)
Using the TI-83/84 to Construct a Frequency Distribution and Histogram (YouTube)
2.3 Graphs That Enlighten and Graphs That Deceive (by publisher)
2.4 Scatterplots, Correlation, and Regression (by publisher)
Using Excel to Construct a Scatterplot (YouTube)
Using Statdisk to Determine Linear Corr. Coeff. & Regression Equation (you only need to watch how to determine linear correlation coefficient)
Using Excel to Determine the Correlation Coeff. & Regression Equation (you only need to watch how to determine linear correlation coefficient)
Chapter 3
3.3 Measure of Relative Standing and Boxplots
Using Statdisk to Construct Boxplots (YouTube)
Using the TI-83/84 to Construct Boxplots (YouTube)
Chapter 4
4.1 Basic Concepts of Probability
4.2 Addition Rule and Multiplication Rule
4.3 Complements and Conditional Probability and Baye's Theorem
Using Excel to Calculate Factorials, Permutations and Combinations
Using the TI-83/84 for Factorials, Permutations and Combinations
Chapter 5
5.2 Binomial Probability Distributions
Calculate Binomial Probability with TI-84 Plus/Plus CE (YouTube Video)
5.3 Poisson Probability Distributions
Chapter 6
6.1 The Standard Normal Distribution
6.2 Real Applications of Normal Distributions
6.3 Sampling Distribution and Estimators
6.6 Normal as Approximation to Binomial
Chapter 7
7.1 Estimating a Population Proportion
Using Statdisk to Construct a Conf. Interval Estimate of Population Proportion
Using Excel to Construct a Conf. Interval of a Population Proportion
Using the TI-83/84 to Construct a Conf. Interval Estimate of Pop. Proportion
7.2 Estimating a Population Mean
Using Statdisk to Construct a Conf. Interval of Population Mean
Using Excel to Construct a Confidence Interval of Population Mean
Using the TI-83/84 to Construct a Confidence Interval Estimate of a Pop. Mean
7.3 Estimating a Population Standard Deviation or Variance
Class Feedback
Please feel free to submit your suggestions through this anonymous form whenever you'd like, as your valuable feedback will significantly help us improve the quality of our classes.
Please be aware that any number of unforeseen circumstances can cause a schedule to become inaccurate. Thus, you should not rely on this schedule. It is your responsibility to pay attention to, and adhere to, changes announced by email, or via LMS.